A country like Pakistan, where the unemployment rate is expected to reach staggeringly high percentage e.g. 5%, by the end of the current year. And according to World Bank; the poverty rate inflated over 5% in year 2020.
Every year Pakistan produces great results in its intermediate examinations. Which results a tougher competition in the entrance exams of medical schools and universities. Many talented students lose the battle of life because they cannot compete so called “high achievers” of this failed system of intermediate examinations and hence deprived from the limited seats in universities.
In current times, this fatal global pandemic added insult to the injury and examination system appeared to collapse. For instance, 53 students in Lahore board got full marks in inter, which is jaw dropping and near to impossible.
How come the euphoria of these students subsided when they have to compete international students in researches and higher studies. Why can’t they prove themselves there?
Lets dig deep into the fault lines of the issue. The reform in education system of Pakistan has become inevitable. And perhaps it won’t be possible by bringing the standard of good curriculum to the level of majority in the name of uniform curriculum, rather it would be possible when you will reconstruct your education from primary level and design a modern curriculum from the very start of the educational journey of a pupil.
Global think tanks have laid their emphasis on education and United Nations Organizations (UNO) has added it in their Sustainable development goals (SDG’s), just because this sector has huge potential. And the uplift of this sector in a developing nation like Pakistan can play a pivotal role in competing the world.
The government should realise that work on this sector would lead to great opportunity of job creation. And By lowering the bar of the curriculum in the name of designing a national curriculum would lead to job deprivation. According to a research 49% of the population of Pakistan speaks English as a second language while 8% speaks it as a first language which makes 57% English speaking population in Pakistan, which is huge among South East Asian countries. The major chunk of youth is earning good amount through this huge industry of call centers operating here in Pakistan, just because they are fluent in English.
Government should ponder upon giving quality education from the very start, with accurate checking and examinations system rather than lowering the standards, they should elevate the bar in public schools and then they should introduce modern uniform national curriculum from primary education.
Perhaps, mending the core of the system is the only method through which education sector can prosper.
Good read.