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Direct Social Work Practice Theory and Skills PDF


The book has four parts. Part 1 introduces the reader to the social work profession and direct practice and provides an overview of the helping process, including core competencies, the role of evidence-based practice, the domains and roles of social work, and the elements of ethical practice. Part 2 presents the beginning phase of the helping process, and each chapter includes examples from the videotapes developed for the text. It addresses strategies and skills for building relationships, providing direction and focus in interviews, avoiding common communication errors, and substituting better options. Subsequent chapters in this section address problem and strengths exploration, theories and techniques for individual, family, and group assessment, and the processes involved in goal setting.

Part 3 presents the middle, or goal attainment, phase of the helping process.

It describes change-oriented strategies, including updated material on task-centered, crisis intervention, cognitive restructuring, and solution-focused approaches to practice, largesystems change, advocacy, case management, family practice, and group work. Readers learn advanced communication and intervention techniques and common
social worker and client barriers to change. Part 4 deals with the final phase of the helping process, incorporating material on evaluating and terminating social work relationships in an array of circumstances.

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