Does Microsoft want to ‘resurrect’ the dead?

Silicon Valley: In the years to come, you may be able to talk on your computer to people who have been out of this world for many years. Microsoft’s new algorithm is a step towards turning that idea into reality.
Microsoft Corporation last month (in December 2020) applied for an algorithm patent that would enable any chatbot to communicate in writing in the manner of living or dead humans.
Note that ‘chat bots’ are automated software that automatically do written chatting. For example, a company’s chat bot, which automatically answers users’ written questions.
It seems that Microsoft wants to make these chat bots more real and more ‘human’ by further developing them through artificial intelligence.
A chatbot using Microsoft’s new algorithm will get to know a person’s ‘personality’ using social media posts, comments, posts (including tweets), videos and other similar content; And then he will automatically copy it and chat with others.
Thus, it is even possible that the person in the guise of this chatbot may not have lived in this world, but only his ‘social media remnants’ may have remained on the internet.
In addition, this chatbot replaces celebrities with thousands of their fans in a 24-hour written conversation and they don’t even realize that they are talking to a software (chatbot) that uses artificial intelligence.
Although Tim O’Brien, general manager of artificial intelligence at Microsoft, wrote in a tweet that he had no plans to use the algorithm in any messenger or chatbot creation, the presence of the algorithm in itself indicates that it Any time, silently or openly, can be made part of the automatic chat boot