
HEC Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) REGISTRATION 2022

Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) is Compulsory For Admissions at Undergraduate Level in Universities Operating All Over Pakistan.

The Higher Education Commission (HEC) made an unexpected decision on Sunday to conduct the Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) for admission at the undergraduate level at institutions throughout Pakistan, which has sparked worry among students.

“The Higher Education Commission, through the Education Testing Council (ETC), will conduct Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) for admission at the undergraduate level at universities located throughout Pakistan,” according to the HEC advertising. The deadline for online registration has been set for August 30, 2022, with September 12, 2022 established as a tentative date for the admission test.

Speaking to The News, a number of university officials slammed the HEC, claiming that no consultation with the institutions was conducted in this respect. “There was no consultation at all. When asked whether the HEC contacted the institution for USAT, a top official of a public university in Lahore responded, “We are already arranging such exams for our admissions.” He stated that because the advertisement originated from the higher education authority, there was a widespread belief, particularly among students, that this would be required.

Who can Apply for Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT)?

  • Students who have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC) or equivalent/Grade 12 education
  • Students who have appeared in the final examination and are awaiting results
  • Students having 12 years/ equivalent education in any discipline

HEC USAT Test Breakup/ Marks Distribution


  • Number of test items (75 mcqs) –
  • Time allowed 100 minutes
  • Verbal reasoning: 35
  • Quantitative reasoning: 40


  • Time allowed 40 minutes
  • Essay writing skills 400-500 words (either in english or urdu): 25

Any score above and equal to 50 will be considered as a qualifying USAT score. The maximum anyone can score on USAT would be the perfect score of 100.

Test is initially proposed on a quarterly basis in the major cities of Pakistan to be held simultaneously. More tests can however be arranged if the need existed. The yearly test calendar will be uploaded on the ETC website and candidates may register themselves through online registration portal.

Universities will continue to announce their admission program independently. Students will apply to universities and will submit the USAT ETC score card for inclusion in the weightage-based merit determining formula.

Apply for HEC USAT 2022

For registration, please visit:

If you have any questions when registering online, please visit or contact one of the HEC regional offices for assistance.

Application submission consists of two steps: profile completion via the “My Profile” section and application submission via the “Undergraduate Studies Admission Test” links on the menu panel on the web portal’s left-hand side bar.

Only applications that have been SUBMITTED will be considered for the USAT Test, and applications that have been SAVED or INCOMPLETE will not be considered.

The Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) has a test cost of PKR 1,200/- per candidate. The fee will be deposited in Habib Bank Limited Account No. 1742 7900 1334 01. Higher Education Commission is the name of the account.

Applicants must provide a copy of their Fee Deposit Slip/ATM/Online Transfer through courier to the following address: Member’s House, HEC Sector H-8, Islamabad, before the registration deadline.

The exam cost is neither refundable nor transferable.

Naeem Ur Rehman

He is an environmental scientist, currently pursuing an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's in Marine Biological Resources. With strong skills in Biostatistics, GIS, R programming, and advanced analytical techniques, he has conducted research on phytoremediation, air pollution bioindicators, and marine biodiversity.

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  1. Where to get the fee voucher/challan form for deposit of fee?

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