We can’t diagnose mesothelioma cancer in a clear way for every patient because it has similar symptoms to other diseases and has less serious conditions so doctors sometimes get confused in diagnosing mesothelioma.
So it is very common that a patient may be misdiagnosed initially with other conditions before getting a mesothelioma diagnosis. Abdominal cancer and pneumonia can be misdiagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma and pneumonia or lung cancer respectively.
The patient should provide a complete medical history to his doctor for a proper diagnosis, otherwise, doctors are likely to misdiagnose the disease. Doctors are unpropitious to assume the disease unless a patient expresses a previous job where asbestos exposure may have occurred. Normally, mesothelioma occurs 20-50 years after the first asbestos exposure.
Symptoms:Â Symptoms of mesothelioma prompt the patient to visit a hospital for testing.
Mesothelioma Testing:Â The most popular first tests are radiology exams such as chest X-rays and CT scans of the chest or abdomen. These fundamental tests show abnormal results, which head to further testing and referral to a surgeon or oncologist.
Authenticate Analysis:Â The consultant or oncologist uses a blend of imaging scans, blood tests and biopsies to approve a mesothelioma diagnosis. A blood test or radiology scans alone cannot confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma.