PCSIR Financial Support to MS and PhD Students Apply Now
The Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) has announced financial support for M.Sc./MS/M.Phil/Ph.D Students/Researchers for Instrumental Access/Sample Analysis. Applications can be submitted by completing the relevant form and attaching the necessary documentation. Students in MSc, MS, MPhil, and Ph.D. programs in Chemical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, and Engineering are eligible to apply.
The Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) is a well-known and substantial R&D institution that works under the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of Pakistan. Given the high cost of acquiring and maintaining modern scientific equipment for research data acquisition, the Government of Pakistan has approved a project to provide the scientific community with access to sophisticated equipment by providing financial support for free sample analysis to M.Sc./ MS/ M. Phil/ Ph.D. students.
Researchers affiliated with Pakistan’s public sector research institutes, universities, R&D organizations, and strategic research centers. Characteristics Under the program, qualified candidates/students can obtain analytical services from any public/private sector laboratory in the following study areas:
- Chemical sciences
- Biological sciences Physical sciences
- Agricultural sciences
- Engineering, etc.
Eligibility Criteria for PCSIR Funding for MS and PhD M. Sc./ MS! M. Phil/ Ph.D. students/researchers enrolled in Pakistani public sector-research institutions, universities, R&D organizations, and strategic research centers, subject to approval by the research supervisor, department head, and Director.
How to Make a Funding Request to PCSIR
Students may apply for the assistance program by sending the Requisition Form and other supporting papers to the undersigned. The Requisition Form, as well as other needed paperwork and instructions, may be found at www.pcsir.gov.pk.
To use the service, the applicant must submit the completed request form along with the accompanying attachments:
- Summary/description of research proposal
- Copy of approval of Research Synopsis/Proposal
- Consent (Letter) of Service Provider
- Quotation from the Service Provider
- Brief profile of Research Supervisor
- Endorsement by the research supervisor, head of department, and Director must be obtained at the appropriate section of the prescribed application form
- The applicant needs to submit the application at least 8 weeks prior to sample analysis.
- The applications will be evaluated and decided by the Project Management Committee at PCSIR
- The decision of the Committee will be communicated to the applicant.
- For all the approved cases, PCSIR will issue an award letter to the applicant.
- Upon receipt of the award letter, the applicant may send samples to the service providers for analysis.
- The service provider will analyze the sample and bill the concerned applicant.
- The service provider will send the payment claims to PCSIR along with duly verified
- Original Invoice
- Results Acceptance Voucher
- copy of results
- The applicant will submit a satisfactory report, duly attested by the supervisor.
- PCSIR will release the sample analysis cost to the service provider accordingly